Is there any relationship between Six Sigma Lean and the Lean Fat reduction program?

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Is there any relationship between Six Sigma Lean and the Lean Fat reduction program? Does this program also focus on reducing fat and becoming slimmer/leaner? This would be great as I want to lose 10 kilos but it’s hard to achieve even though I’ve tried nearly everything and I also go to the gym 3 times a week.

There are slight differences. We call ‘fat’ waste. Yes, Lean focuses on eliminating waste and if you feel that you have some waste on your body then this new way of Lean thinking can help you. Most probably the problem is not with your body itself but maybe it is how do you do things. Do you have standard work in your life? Do you carefully plan what will you do each day, what will you eat, when you go to the gym, what exercise will you do? Have you defined what you want to achieve and what the benefit of doing exercise will be? Are you cautious about what you eat? Have you established a deadline? Have you identified your body’s main problem, or do you just think that you need to lose 10 Kg? What about losing only 6Kg and gaining more muscle or simply being healthier? What is the root cause of your problem (fat)? What is the main reason why you have excessive ‘fat’? If you go through the chapters you will start to think differently and your approach as to how to set and achieve your goals could change.