How can I start getting rid of the “old way” mentality?

Is there any relationship between Six Sigma Lean and the Lean Fat reduction program?
August 9, 2018
How can I influence my friends to think Lean?
August 9, 2018

As I read the chapters it’s becoming obvious that Change Management is heavily involved. At our company there are many people over the age of 50 and they have a mentality and slogan that “we’ve always done it this way and it works”. How can we start getting rid of this mentality?

Yes, change management is complex and much of the time is difficult to manage. Changing people’s mindset, habits or culture is very difficult. You need to be aware of the change curve and the fact that it takes time to implement change, so don’t rush it as this could cause even more problems. It takes time for people to digest new ideas. The change plan needs to be clear and to show what you want to achieve, how, who will be involved and what the benefit will be. It needs a clear project plan as well as continuous consultation and communication with people. You need to listen to them, understand them and show them a positive attitude, as well as being a role model for them.